Heat Outdoors Heat Indoors Shadow Industrial Handy Dryers

Testimonials from Sterillo Customers


Sterillo™ hand dryers have massively reduced the odours in our washrooms and left them with a clean, fresh smell. This, combined with energy efficiency and sleek design means we will fit them in all future sites we open.

Chris Byrne
General Manager
Boxpark Shoreditch


I am pl

Adrian Tyler
The Dorchester, London


I wanted to take the time to personally thank you for your team’s services when installing our new Sterillo™ Hand Dryers in our restaurant. Proving to be twice as powerful as those replaced, they are certainly dependable in the context of the quality of the dryer and predicted long-term use.

Jean-Michel Sourdrille
General Manager
Hix Restaurants


I am totally convinced!

I have the Sterillo™ had dryer installed in the gents toilets at my office. The drains at my offices have always been a problem & the urinals although clean, are always smelly. Not to put too finer point on it - if I leave the door & window closed for a couple of hours it begins to build & after a few days it's rank!!

I have done a before & after "sniff test" & believe me it works like a dream.

Dave Rymer
Group Manager


I am totally convinced with the Sterillo™ Hand Dryer...I have done a before and after "sniff test"...believe me, it works like a dream.

Gordon's Wine Bar


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